Monday, April 11, 2011

The Results are In! Month #3

Hello dear SimpliClear blog followers!

Sorry if I grossed you out with the lovely teeth pics, but I wanted to give everybody an idea of how the braces treatment is working out thus far. If you go through this kind of experience with teeth straightening, chances are you might get a bit discouraged now and then because you might not perceive the results on a day-to-day basis. I’m lucky however, in that I have been undergoing this process with an orthodontist who has been very focussed on keeping a complete record of the whole experience. I was just sent these recent pictures from the radiographics clinic and was able to see for the first time just how much has changed in the last three months!

I’ve had a few comments recently about how my teeth seem to be looking different. Usually, I just chalk that up to people being nice and offering some encouragement. However, lately, I’ve been noticing some changes myself. My orthodontist just recently adjusted my braces by adopting a stiffer wire and added linked elastic ties to the brackets. These tools are supposed to provide a more dramatic change in the coming weeks. Most importantly, the linked elastics are going to begin closing the gap between my front teeth. I’ve had them on for only a week and I can already see a change! Even these pictures don’t illustrate how much things have shifted in the last couple of days.

It’s kind of funny, but I’m still noticing people with braces when I’m out and about. Today I got on the bus and the driver had braces complete with pink elastic ties! The guy must have been in his late 30’s. I say All The Power to him - not for just wearing the braces but for rocking the pink elastics as well! I’m not sure if he noticed my braces, but it was nice to think that there are all sorts of people out there who are on their way to a better smile :)

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now. These pictures sure gave me the encouragement to keep going and also gave me a shot of excitement about what I can look forward to at the end!

Take care y’all,